A Strong Team


While Al is recuperating from his shoulder replacement surgery, there are plenty of exciting sports broadcasts to keep him occupied: the Detroit Tigers; U of M football, Al’s Alma Mater; and the US Open Tennis Championships being held in Queens, New York.

Although his right arm is immobilized in a sling, he can still operate the remote in his left hand and jump from channel to channel! When the Fresno State Bulldogs flew to Michigan a few days ago to play in the “Big House” in Ann Arbor, it brought back memories of living in the central valley of California.

Having participated in competitive sports, we both know the importance of having a good coach and the excitement of being on a strong team. That has carried over into our marriage as well. Over the years we have worked together towards the same goals, have shared common values and have grown in our faith in the Lord and in our love for each other.

 Shortly after we were engaged, Al and I went on a backpack in the Sierra Nevada Mountains with a group of friends. One day, we left our backpacks at the base camp and hiked off trail to the top of a ridge, which meant crossing boulder fields and loose granite stones.

As we were “boulder hopping” and scrambling over scree, words from our future wedding vows kept running through my mind: “…for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do us part…”

 For the first time. I realized the impact of these words as I followed Al up the steep slope. The vows we were going to be reciting to each other before God, our family and friends were not to be taken lightly!

On our honeymoon, we rented a cabin in Yosemite National Park. With our cross-country skis fastened on the top of Al’s little Toyota we excitedly anticipated having a few days to celebrate our new beginning together  

Even though it was only November, there was snow up at the Badger Pass ski area, high above Yosemite Valley. My first experience of cross-country skiing was not what I expected! After putting on our skis, I was amazed to see Al start up the ski run.

“Wait a minute! The chair lifts are for taking us up the hill!” I called after him.

“Let’s ski up!” he shouted back.

So up we went. When we reached the top, I was told to traverse going down and stay out of the way of the downhill skiers. What? No shooshing down the mountain?

Just after we were married, he and I went with some of our same hiking friends to a ski lodge in the Sequoia National Forest. One morning, we set out for a trek on our cross-country skis.

Al led the way, actually running along trail. By that time, I wasn’t surprised! When the trail ended, he picked out a route, plowing through the snow to make a path for the rest of us. Even then, it was strenuous going.

A woman in the group turned to me and said, “Young lady, you are going to have a hard time keeping up with that man!”

Well, he has been the strong leg of the team for sure: a good leader, faithful husband and a steady source of love for me and our family. With his leadership, I’ve been challenged to try things I never would have attempted on my own. He has been my role model in keeping active through the years—difficult while teaching and even more challenging now that we are retired. And he has been my encourager in many different endeavors, including writing.

There have been seasons of joy and times of heartbreak, laughter and sorrow, health and healing, abundance and scrimping. Through all of these things, God has blessed us and given us strength to keep going, hand in hand, day by day.

Whether married or single, God delights in those who put their trust in Him. When we surrender our lives to Him, He is delighted to make us part of His team. Imagine—partnering with the King of the Universe! Can you think of a stronger team?

 “His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse, nor his delight in the legs of a man; the Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.” Psalm 146:10-11 NIV



  1. Always great stories of faith, love and adventure that I truly enjoy reading. Give Al my best and I pray he will be restored to the fullness of health. (Mike Pharis)

  2. Judy love this! I love hearing stories from you. Would love to chat with you someday. Do you have stories from Northminster? Maybe you can shoot them to me.


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