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Determining to Declutter

  With the start of another new year, it seems that many people are thinking along the same lines: clearing out old clothes or things no longer needed to make room for gifts that were received during the holidays. Many devotionals and messages on decluttering have been coming on my radar screen lately. I wasn’t planning on writing about decluttering. It seemed like that topic had been well covered. However, the idea kept popping back into my mind when thinking about the “Good News” message for this week. Well, this may not seem like good news to some! Who wants to take time to tackle those corners of our homes or other places that seem to accumulate the things we no longer need or use? Making decisions about what to keep and what to donate or discard consumes mental energy as well. All it takes is a good look around, coupled with the determination to do something about it. Praying for strength and guidance on where to start always helps too.      ...

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