“House” Cleaning on a Regular Basis?


Al's bike riding during Covid shut down...thousands of miles!

Al gifted me with something very special a few years ago…the gift of time! This gift was the result of his suggestion that we hire someone to clean our house. At first I resisted—cleaning house was part of my regular routine, something I liked to do.

Of course, when I was teaching school full-time, house cleaning happened over the weekends at high speed! Anything that didn’t get finished was squeezed in during the week.

            After retirement, even though there was more time available for keeping up with the chores, I began to let things slide. One or two days a week soon stretched to a whole week and then to two weeks. There were some areas that didn’t receive much attention at all.

            When Al and I moved to Michigan, we downsized from our previous home. Even with a smaller house, it was still a stretch to clean it every two weeks. Cleaning seemed to take more time and more energy to accomplish.

            In thinking about Al’s offer, I decided to contact the person our daughter Shanda had been using for many years. After walking through the house, she, Crystal, made an estimate of the cost per cleaning based on the square footage. And, she thought the whole house would take about two and a half hours! Astounding! We talked it over and decided to hire her.

“How often do you want me to come?” Crystal asked.

We first thought every other week. However, our dog constantly sheds his stiff black hair. It flies all over the house sticking to furniture and carpets like tiny arrows. Al and I decided every week would be great.

In fact, it wasn’t just great—it was wonderful! I felt like a burden had been lifted off my shoulders and still do. Having a sparkling clean house, at least for a few hours after Crystal leaves, is greatly appreciated!

Last week, just after she left, our dog got sick to his stomach and managed to hit two out of three of the newly vacuumed carpets, along with part of the polished hardwood floor! Then, after the microwave and kitchen appliances had all been wiped clean, soup heating in the microwave splattered on the microwave’s walls and ceiling.

To top it off, muddy footprints were tracked from the side door, up the stairs and onto the kitchen floor. All of this not more than two or three hours since the weekly cleaning!

Now to extend this idea of taking care of the house to other areas… While cutting my hair recently, the hair stylist wanted to know if I like to exercise. I answered affirmatively, explaining that I use an exercise ball almost every day to stretch my muscles and keep my joints moving.  Walking our dog when the weather permits, and riding the stationary bike are two other ways of getting exercise each week.

“Well, that’s good,” she replied. “I hate exercise! All I do is sit on the couch all day, watch TV and eat…”

However, that must be on her days off. To my observation, she is a very steady and reliable worker, standing on her feet for hours while cutting her clients’ hair.

Taking care of these physical houses in which we dwell—our bodies—is important too. Health issues seem to multiply as we age, making regular exercise an important thing to do. Al is my inspiration when it comes to exercise, putting many miles on the stationary bike and going to the gym several times a week.

Then there is spiritual house cleaning that is needed on a daily, if not hourly basis! It is important to confess our sins to God as they happen, because they do happen…often!

Forgiveness, cleansing and restoration of fellowship with God comes as we honestly and openly confess our sins to Him. Why? Because Jesus paid the penalty for the sins of all people when He died on the cross.

God wants to purify our hearts and make us clean. Why not take care of that today? This moment?

“Who can say, ‘I have kept my heart pure; I am clean and without sin’”? (Proverbs 20:9 NIV)

“If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive all our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:8-9 NIV)

                             Walking TJ and Teddy, a bigger challenge than now, with only one dog. 


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