Time Well Spent


While at the dentist’s office for my regular appointment with the dental hygienist, I learned that the hygienist was from Iraq and identified herself as a Chaldean Christian. Curious to know more, the minute she removed her hand from my mouth, I asked her about her background.

The hygienist came to the United States when she was 15 years old: however, she really didn’t remember much about Iraq. She did not know how their religion, linked to the Catholic Church, first came to Iraq or how her family members became involved. 

“I don’t know anything about that,” she responded, “but I guess I could look it up.”

“Well, do you have any family members, like grandparents, who are still living and would know something about your background?” I asked when the next opportunity presented itself.

“My grandfather is still alive,” she answered. “He’s a genius. You should see! He’s written his own dictionary!”

 “Maybe you could ask him. Does he live far away?”

She responded that her grandfather lived nearby, but having a toddler at home and working part-time made it difficult for her to see him.

As the appointment finished up, I encouraged her to make time to spend with her grandfather and shared that I wished I had asked my own grandfather about his growing up in Brownsville, Oregon during the early 1900’s. Too late now!

“From a grandma’s point of view, I know that he would appreciate it!” I shared. She smiled, and said that she would do that. Good for her! 

Because many of our friends have recently either passed away or lost a spouse, Al and I have been making it a priority to spend time together. Al states that although he wouldn’t have done it on his own, the reason he signed up for our Spanish conversation class was because he wanted to share that experience with me.

Besides being together in class, I enjoy practicing my limited Spanish vocabulary with him at home and doing our “homework” together. Recently we assembled a three-ring binder to help organize his notes, vocabulary words and other handouts from the class each week.

“Just like high school,” he remarked when we were done with that project. “Thanks for helping me stay organized.”

            Then, he even decided to join the Writer’s Circle at the Senior center which I’ve attended for several years.  Al claims he isn’t a writer; however, he expresses himself very well on paper, always contributing interesting and inciteful stories. We all enjoy his contributions, and sometimes, I have to struggle to keep back tears of pride and gratitude!

Talking about experiences, adventures, highlights and other possible topics he could share with the writer’s group has often led to our browsing through photo albums and reminiscing on past adventures.

One of his favorite sayings is: “You know, we’ve had many wonderful adventures together!” Now how many times would we sit down and look through a photo album during our busy daily routines?

Although attending those two groups have been a sacrifice of time and energy on Al’s part, his involvement in them has been a blessing to me, as well as to the other members. He and I have learned some new things about each other in the process, cherishing the moments we have to spend together.

Fellowship was in God’s plan from the beginning when He created Adam and Eve, desiring to have a close personal relationship with them. After Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they were afraid and hid from Him. Fellowship with God was broken; yet even then, He came seeking for them, reaching out to them and loving them in spite of the awful consequences of their disobedience. 

It's hard to imagine, but we were created for that very reason, to have an intimate relationship with God. Jesus paid the penalty for all the sins of mankind, restoring our fellowship with God when we put our trust in Jesus as Savior and Lord.

Spending time with those we love and also with God—the Father, Jesus His Son and the Holy Spirit, is what we were meant to do! It is time well spent, indeed!

“Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, ‘Where are you?’” Genesis 3:8-9 NIV

(In the picture above, Al is wearing a sling from his shoulder replacement surgery. That was last August. He's doing great! PTL!)



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