The Joy in Each New Day


Celebrating Valentine's Day!  Another reason to be joyful!

“Teach us to number our days aright, that we might gain a heart of wisdom.

After reading the above verse from Psalm 90, a prayer attributed to Moses “the man of God,” I decided to figure out approximately how many days had already gone by in my life, and from that point on to keep a record in my journal.

 As I looked back at previous entries last week, I discovered an error that was made in December 2024. Instead of 28,230 days, I had written 228,230 and continued on from there! That mistake made me more than 500 years older than I am now!

In 500 years, I hope to be worshipping at the foot of God’s throne in heaven, along with the throngs of people who have put their trust in Him! In the meantime, however, there are the challenges each new day presents, along with plenty of opportunities to gain wisdom.

 Perhaps wisdom comes from slowing down and thinking about what I am doing instead of being preoccupied. Maybe gaining wisdom means thinking of each day as a special gift, finding hope in the Lord rather than focusing on my physical limitations and burdens.

When asked how he managed to get through four kinds of cancer, chemotherapy and radiation, sports commentator Dick Vitale replied, “Stay positive, have faith and never give up, never give up, never give up!”

The apostle Paul prayed that God would grant us hope: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13 NIV)

 As I number each day, my heart is filled with joy and a sense of gratitude to my God who gives me hope! Even grocery shopping on a freezing winter afternoon can be special!

 On our last visit to the supermarket, a young man with a disability was standing near the entrance and exit doors, greeting people as they came in the store and wishing them a good day as they left. He stood with his head down, looking at the floor and speaking in a monotone.

 When we entered the store, I responded to his “Welcome” with “Good morning!” He looked up.

“It’s not morning!” he said, correcting me.

“Oh, you’re sharp! Good afternoon!”  

 Then we continued around the store, meeting our friend, Bobby, who works in the produce department.

Bobby waved and unexpectedly said, “God bless you!”

            After a brief conversation, we went on our way. His thinking of us was indeed a blessing!

When leaving the store, we passed the same young man who was standing in front of the exit door. I told him goodbye; and Al said, “Buenas tardes!”

He looked up. “What?”

“Good afternoon!” Al explained.

 His responsive smile was a beautiful sight!

Well, positive interactions with people are huge in my ‘making the day special’ book!  Whether to children, youth, adults, strangers or friends…not a day goes by without the opportunity of showing kindness and gratitude. Great joy is gained as a result.

We can count the number of our days up to the present; however, none of us knows what the final count will be! Surely things will get more challenging as we age. Most likely there will be more pain, suffering and sorrow, more funerals to attend for those we love.

Even now there are days when I still feel overwhelmed by the shock of losing a beloved friend to suicide in 2023, or deep sorrow from the loss of my step-daughter to cancer a few months later, or sadness sparked by memories of other sweet family members and friends who have passed away… There are many people whose absence have left an empty space in my life and heart.

Yet I don’t have to face the challenges alone. The Lord has promised that He would always be with me, as He is with each of His children. We can depend on that promise and the hope of eternal life through faith in Christ, as we look for the joy in each new day!


“Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, ‘The Lord is my portion;’ therefore I will wait for him.” (Lamentations 3:21-24 NIV)

*Psalm 90:12 NIV









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