Change of Attitude


“Freely you have received; freely give.” *

Most of us have aspirations, even vague inklings, of something we would like to do after we finish our education. There are also those careers that we definitely would not choose…or so we think!

By the time I had finished college, teaching math and physical education seemed like the right lifelong career for me. There were two things that I did not want to do for a living: be a nurse or work in the computer field. The decision not to become a nurse was made while I was still in high school and was volunteering as a “Candy-Striper” (Junior Auxiliary) at Mercy Hospital in our hometown of Bakersfield, California.

It was fun at first—getting to wear a pink and white striped uniform, being led on a tour of the hospital with the other volunteers, and then being assigned to a floor for orthopedic patients. However, my inexperience led to trouble when a woman with a cast on her leg was being transported by wheelchair from her room.

When her outstretched leg got stuck between the two hospital beds, she began yelling for help! Her yelling quickly drew the attention of a nurse, who carefully freed her leg and maneuvered her out of the room while I helplessly looked on.

Shortly after that experience, another Candy-Striper and I got severely chastised when we ventured into the neonatal unit to see the babies. After that, I quit volunteering at the hospital. Nursing wasn’t for me.

The decision to avoid working in the computer field came during college when computers were big mysterious machines that had to be programmed using piles of cards. That didn’t appeal to me at all, even though many opportunities were opening for women in that field. Since I enjoyed both mathematics and sports, teaching seemed the right direction to take.

 Two major events have come together for Al and me in the past couple of weeks though, putting me in the position of computer technician and volunteer home care nurse! Just after returning from a wonderful five-day visit to the Apostle Islands on Lake Superior, our main computer crashed!

Al and I had to spend hours working with real computer technicians over the phone, first clearing out the memory, then reinstalling programs and recovering files that could still be recovered. Knowledgeable friends came to our rescue as well.

It was enough to scramble my brain for a few days. But thankfully the computer was restored little by little, to the point where it is now up and running again. Even though computers are still mysterious to me, by God’s grace, I’ve become comfortable using them and now am dependent on them for writing and publishing, among other things.

While we were struggling through the computer crisis, Al’s scheduled date for a total shoulder joint replacement was approaching, with appointments, phone calls and preparations that had to be made. I had some feelings of anxiety, thinking about bringing him home after out-patient surgery and being responsible for his care during those first days of recovery.

Then, just a day or two before the surgery, a professional home-health care nurse called to arrange for home visits by a nurse, a physical therapist and occupational therapist. That lifted off the burden of concern from both of us!

As much as I haven’t wanted to be a nurse, God has helped me care for Al through many prior surgeries, giving me courage when feeling insecure, strength when tired out and wisdom when not sure about what to do. And I know that He, the Great Physician, will be with Al this time around guiding all who are involved in his care, including me!

Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” (Matthew 16:24) For each of us the cross may be different, but the response to his call has to start with denying ourselves, letting go and being willing to do what he wants us to do. As he as freely given us his grace, mercy and love, so may we be willing to extend those gifts to others.

“Where He leads me I will follow, Where He leads me I will follow, Where He leads me I will follow, I’ll go with Him, with Him all the way.” (“Where He Leads Me” by E.W. Blandy)

* Matthew 10:8b NIV

Lunch with grandsons Elliot & Nate...and Al (taking photo), before Al's surgery.







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