“From Night to Day”

“Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” *

My mom was well known for her sensitive nature. It didn’t take much to start streams of salt water tears flowing from her eyes. She always had a tissue in her pocket—just in case!  Oftentimes while wiping away her tears she would say, “I wish I didn’t cry so much!”

Actually, it was this trait that drew both my dad and mom together. One afternoon while at the movie theater, dad noticed a young lady sitting a couple of rows ahead of him who was crying away during a poignant moment of the movie. On their exit from the theater he made quite an impression on her by calling her a “cry baby”—a bad impression!

She recognized him from high school. He was a year ahead, a football player who wore a letterman’s jacket as well as a member of the swimming and basketball teams. Well, she decided that she didn’t want anything to do with the tall red-headed boy, even if he was popular.

It took quite a while before dad could figure out a way to apologize and win her favor. They were engaged during his year of basic training with the Marine Corps; and like many other soldiers during WWII, he was deployed shortly after they were married. Tears of joy followed by tears of sorrow...

Taking after mom, I find myself crying on all sorts of occasions. It doesn’t take much to move me to tears. However, the grief felt when someone beloved passes away or when a tragedy strikes is different altogether.

When dad was getting close to the end of his life, I remember feeling a sense of dread at the thought of facing people at his “Celebration of Life” service. If only I could crawl away and hide somewhere! 

But somehow it was easier than expected. The prayers and support from friends and family carried me through that time; and God’s presence brought peace. Our family was united, strengthening each other as well.

 My friend, Ann Marie, compared the grieving process to that of the ocean’s tides during the years following the loss of one of her parents.  “Sorrow washes over you like waves,” she told me. Ann Marie shared that grief sometimes hit like high tide, overwhelming her with emotion, and at other times was like low tide. That is what I experienced as well, not only after losing dad but also as I watched mom trying to cope with being alone after 58 years of marriage.

The tears and sorrow have gradually lessened with the passing of the years. Gratitude has overshadowed the pain of loss. What has comforted me most during times of mourning and grief is the knowledge that dad had a sweet personal relationship with Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Faith in the promise of eternal life through Christ has sustained me again and again as I’ve had to say good-bye to many beloved family members and friends.

Faith? When Jesus asked Martha, who was grieving the death of her brother Lazarus, if she believed that He was the resurrection and the life, she answered “Yes, Lord…I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God who was to come into the world.” In Him is our hope!

*John 11:25-27 NIV


From Night to Day


Lord, many things happen

which I don’t understand...

floods and famines, children hurt,

the suffering of a friend


How should I pray?

That sorrow and suffering cease?

That your hand of healing

would quickly bring relief?


But, then my faith falters

I often feel confused

My mind seems full of questions

whose answers are refused


Even so, I know you love me

I know you have a plan,

and when the rains come pouring down

Oh Lord, you’re in command.


For you lost your own dear Son

You suffered as He died

Because you loved the world so much

Jesus was crucified


You watched and let it happen

You did not interfere

His death would bring eternal life—

the reward of every tear


Perhaps my tears will also end in joy

Knowing this brings comfort as I pray

and watch the dark night hours

slowly turn to day

                       Judy Lowery  (From Letters to Loki, Judy Lynn Lowery 2014)












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