Reflecting on this day…Thanksgiving 11/27/14

If I had to choose one thing in my life which stands out above all of the rest, one thing for which I am thankful above everything else, that one thing which in itself would be enough if all of the other wonderful blessings were stripped away, it would be the joy of knowing Jesus personally as Lord and Savior.  
 Even if family and friends and all the material blessings and comforts of life were missing, there would still be the overflowing joy and fulfillment that comes from a personal relationship with Him. Regardless of circumstances, trials and suffering, He is always with me, loving me unconditionally, forgiving my sins and changing me into a new person in Christ. For this I am most thankful!
Thank you dear Jesus for making it possible for me to be thankful and that I am reflecting your nature when I am grateful and appreciative. I realize that this is all a gift, none of it is deserved. May you receive all of the glory. Praise be to you!
Forgive me for selfishness, for wanting pleasure and attention and gifts and comfortable living; help me to realize that you are all I need and more! Thanks for changing me through the power of your Spirit and for putting gratitude in my heart. Help me to realize that you don’t owe me anything, but that I owe you everything!
Thank you, Jesus, for your sacrifice of love, for transforming my life and for the gift of eternal life with you. What a joy! My cup truly overflows.
 I love you, Judy


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