The Last Minute Store

   For the past two years, there has been a special Christmas store in Springville held in cooperation with the “Christmas with Dignity” nonprofit organization and the owners of the Springville White Barn. Preregistered families were able to pick out toys from a nice selection of donated items, purchase them at low prices and wrap them at this event.
   However, it looked as though there would not be a store this year since no plans had been made and the number of days until December 25th was quickly decreasing. The general consensus from those involved in the past was that it was much too late to get it all together.
   Unexpectedly there came an offer of a very generous monetary donation to cover the cost of toys and food gift cards for about twenty local families. The small leadership committee decided to first seek Lord’s direction on whether or not to proceed and after much prayer, decided to go ahead with the event. A date was chosen, exactly one week away on a Saturday afternoon from 2:00-4:00, and the check was put in the mail. Then, came several days of waiting during which there was more prayer, stretching of faith and encouraging one another.  Nothing could be done until the money arrived and had been processed through a local church.  Would it arrive in time to buy the toys?
    In the meantime, other donations were given and volunteers came forward to provide for refreshments, assist the shoppers and help with gift wrapping. The White Barn was once again generously offered. It looked like everything was falling in place, except the purchasing of the toys.
   When the check arrived on Wednesday, a dedicated mother and son team began to “power shop,” managing to buy nearly 150 age-appropriate gifts in three days. They had to make several trips between the department stores and their house, their small car loaded to the brim. All of the toys were then delivered to the White Barn on Saturday.
    Just prior to opening the store, several volunteers had set up tables behind a partitioned area on which to display the broad assortment of toys. One woman who dropped by with some donations said that the barn had a festive “Old World” look. The atmosphere was charged with amazement and joy at what God had done in one week, through His willing servants.
    Two young moms sat together talking, waiting for their turn.  When asked if they had a Christmas tree, they both sadly shook their heads “no” in unison. One of them ran out of the building in tears upon realizing that she couldn’t pay for toys she had selected. The organizer of the event followed her outside and put her arm around her.
   “Come on back in,” she said. “You have a sponsor who will help.  His name is Jesus Christ!” The friend who had sponsored her for this event said that she would provide the family with a Christmas tree. The young lady’s face was radiant as she hugged and thanked everyone profusely.
    After it was over, the remaining toys were given to a ministry in Lindsay; and all of the money which came in on the day of the store was used to purchase food cards for other local families in need.  
    Even though it didn’t seem possible for the last minute Christmas Store to come together so quickly, God had other plans in mind and used it to pour out His blessings on everyone involved. What mighty things He would do, if we just listened and obeyed!
‘“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him”—but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit.’ 1Corinthians 2:9 NIV     


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