A Gifted and Unique Team

 “But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him.” *


The Chaplaincy Assistants team at Sierra View Medical Center (SVMC) in Porterville California is comprised of four very compassionate and dedicated people: Nancy Castaneda, Juan Ayala, James Rogers and Michael Trimble. They are a well-qualified team having received training from seminaries, chaplain training programs, pastoral care and a variety of past experiences. “Everybody comes from a different place; but together we can minister to almost anyone in the hospital.”  

Nancy Castaneda’s first job was at Sierra View Hospital, as it was formerly called, in the summer of 1964.  “I learned to be a nurse’s aide on the job, no certification required! Back then our hospital consisted of the one corridor of what is now DP/SNF and the corridor heading north toward the lab.”

She went on to become an RN in 1970 through a Catholic nursing program that emphasized providing spiritual as well as physical care for patients. She has worked in medical/surgery, home health, case management and hospice. In 2012, while visiting someone in the hospital, she happened to be introduced to the chaplain.  As a result of that meeting, a volunteer packet was put into her hand! “God ordered my steps,” she said.

 Nancy feels that this particular team was brought together for a purpose. “It’s wonderful knowing that whatever we walk through, the other three are there to support us.”

After attending seminary in Latin America, Juan worked with the Missionaries of Charity founded by Mother Teresa and dedicated to helping the poorest of the poor. He served in Los Angeles for several years running homeless shelters and ministering to people on the streets.

When a friend invited him to come to Porterville, he initially worked as an interpreter for laborers in the fields. Later, he took a Psych Technician course through Porterville College. However, in 2013 Juan applied to be a chaplaincy assistant at SVMC.

“God pointed me to Sierra View… Nancy interviewed me!” Comforting people gives him great satisfaction. “I see a lot of miracles every day, God working every day.”

Jim Rogers joined the team in 2016. An ordained Presbyterian minister, Jim has served congregations in several states and also as army chaplain. He currently pastors two congregations in Porterville—Foothill Presbyterian and Trinity Lutheran. Two big milestones are coming up in his life this year…a 50th wedding anniversary and retirement!

Jim sees the role of chaplain as one of reminding people that God is present and they are loved. “God goes before me and He’s already in tomorrow. He’s got it!” And from scripture: “Nothing can separate us from God’s love…” (Romans 8:28)

Mike Trimble grew up in Tulare County and now resides in Visalia with his wife of 35 years. After receiving his Master’s degree in counseling, he needed to do an internship and looked into the chaplaincy program. He liked Sierra View very much and after being interviewed, was accepted as part of the team in 2019.

A pastor for thirty-five years, he also currently leads a church in Farmersville. The most satisfying thing for him in the role as a chaplain is at the end of the day knowing he’s made a difference in someone’s life. “I’ve fallen in love with it. In my days off I think about this place and can’t wait to come back.” He, as well as the rest of the team feel, that they have 100% support by the administrative staff of the hospital.

 The Chaplains Assistants offer prayer and comfort to staff, patients and family members. It has been hard during the pandemic, but “if we can visit or make a phone call or facetime, we will.” They believe that their diversity helps them “minister effectively to people...” Diverse yes, but united in their desire to serve the Lord, faithfully bringing love and comfort to those who are hurting.

Nancy, Juan, Jim and Mike spread the sweet fragrance of His love at Sierra View Medical Center and wherever they go. What a blessing!

“Dear Jesus, help us to spread your fragrance everywhere we go. Flood our souls with your spirit and life. Penetrate and possess our whole being so utterly that our lives may only be a radiance of yours…” Mother Teresa of Calcutta (1910-1997)

 *2Corinthians 2:14 NIV

                      Chaplains Assistants: James Rogers, Nancy Castaneda, Juan Ayala, Michael Trimble


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