The Breath of Life


“…the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being.”*

Al was watching me swim one afternoon and commented that when just kicking my feet using the kick board, I wasn’t moving forward in the water! We used to do many laps of kicking when working out with the girls’ high school swim team in the ‘60’s. It was easier and faster then.

But now it seems to be harder for my body to float, especially with an artificial hip on one side and some long metal pins just below the hip joint on the other side. Maybe the metal is weighing me down. Flutter kicking, that used with the freestyle or crawl stroke, doesn’t get me anywhere!

Just as the kicking seems more laborious, so is the breathing. Perhaps that’s also because I’m lower in the water. While swimming laps in the pool at the gym these days, I have to make sure that only air is taken into my lungs!

 Remember the face mask with snorkel attached that was used for breathing while keeping the face down in the water? I used a mask and snorkel a few times in the Pacific Ocean. Oh, what pain when salt water went up into the nose and down into the lungs instead of air!

Now there is a new design that can be used for lap swimming as well as for underwater exploring. It seems to be more efficient at keeping the water out, enabling people to comfortably swim for a long period of time.

I was just getting out of the pool recently when I noticed a large man who also seemed to be mostly submerged in the water while doing his laps. He swam slowly, trying to get enough air with each breath.  Would it be too forward of me to initiate a conversation about the idea of using the new mask and snorkel, I wondered?

 When he exited the pool and went into the hot tub, I walked over to talk with him.

“It looks like you’re having trouble breathing while swimming your laps,” I said.

“Well, I’ve had some issues with my lungs recently and yes, it is hard for me to breathe. I can’t seem to get enough air!” he responded.

So, I told him about the “full face snorkel mask” that can be used for lap swimming.

 “I haven’t tried it, but it looks like it would be helpful,” I said, relating that I had same problem, especially when swimming freestyle. He thanked me and seemed to appreciate the suggestion.

It’s not until our lungs get congested,  we accidentally breathe in fluid or are submerged under the water that we appreciate breathing!  Otherwise, we just take it for granted. But really, from the moment we take our first breath of air to the very last one, breathing is needed for life. It’s a vital function designed by God, our maker, who breathed life into Adam.

When Jesus appeared to the disciples after His resurrection, He commissioned them to go out into the world in His name. Then He breathed new life into them—the Holy Spirit. “Again Jesus said, ‘Peace be with you! As the father has sent me, I am sending you.” And with that he breathed on them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.” (John 20:21-22 NIV)

Several weeks later, the disciples were again gathered together in Jerusalem when tongues of fire appeared over each of them and they heard the sound of a violent wind. At that time, they were filled with the Spirit and were empowered to go forth in Jesus’ name with the message of the good news of salvation through faith in Christ.

As Jesus’ followers, the Holy Spirit makes us alive spiritually, empowers us to follow Jesus and changes us so that we become more like Him. This change happens as we surrender our lives to Jesus daily and ask Him to fill us anew with His Spirit—“spiritual breathing!”

*Genesis 2:7 NIV                                     



Lord, Remind Me to…

 Breathe in—a new day

Breathe out—yesterday’s troubles

Breathe in—Your Spirit, Your peace

Breathe out— worries about the future

Breathe in—Your wisdom

Breathe out—folly

Breathe in—hope

Breathe out—complaining

Breathe in—strength

Breathe out—weakness

Breathe in—You  

Breathe out—me

Breathe in

Breathe out


(Judy Lowery 5-13-22)


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