Sounds of Grace



“From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another. For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” *

One of the most challenging birthday gifts I’ve ever received was a piano arrangement of the hymn, “Amazing Grace.” It was from my step-daughter Shanda, mailed from her home in Detroit and arriving in Springville in time for my birthday. Being a novice keyboard player, the music was daunting.

When I showed it to my talented keyboard mentor, she advised me to find another arrangement! However, because it was a gift and because it came from Shanda, who at the time played the viola with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, I really didn’t want to do that.

 “Shanda, this music is too hard for me,” I explained over the phone, after thanking her for her thoughtfulness.

 “Oh no!” she said emphatically, “You can do it.”

 With that encouragement I tackled the piece, working on a little at a time. But it was difficult and different than the traditional melody of “Amazing Grace.” Besides that, the new arrangement had a complicated introduction and a key change from one sharp to five flats.

After years of practice some of it was finally committed to memory; however, the section with five flats was still beyond me. Although my goal was to play it for Shanda someday, I never felt confident enough to give it a try.

Last year on October 6th, we celebrated Shanda’s 51st birthday. She had requested a Barbie birthday, so friends and family gathered in her home wearing Barbie pink. It was a bittersweet day, as she was in the final stages of cancer.  A short time later, she passed away—at home, with her husband Chris by her side.

When October 6th came around this year, I was reminded of the blessing she was to me, coming into my life at the age of 10 when her dad and I got married. We spent many wonderful hours together, building a bond of love and friendship.

 Upon her marriage to Chris, she also became a step-mother and opened her heart to his two children. That union made Al and me grandparents for the first time. Later when Chris and Shanda had two more children, we found ourselves grandparents of four!

Although the desire to have my own children was never realized, that longing was met through Shanda as she welcomed us into the life and activities of her family.  Throughout the time that I knew her, she inspired me with her wonderful gift of music, her determined spirit and courage.

Among the music included in the program at Shanda’s Celebration of Life service was a beautiful rendition “Amazing Grace.” I immediately thought of the piano arrangement in my file folder at home and had to smile, remembering my struggle to play it on the keyboard.

This year on the evening before her birthday, I pulled out the copy of “Amazing Grace,” and played it alone, in memory of Shanda. It was still rough and rocky; however, it helped me to be grateful for her and for her life, well-lived.

The words to this song have comforted me often throughout the years: “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me! I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see.” (John Newton)

What was the sound of grace that John Newton heard when he penned this in 1779? What were the words that so deeply touched his heart and prompted his life-changing response, from slave trader to a devout follower of Christ?

Did he hear the simple words, “I love you,” or something stern like “You have sinned against me! Turn from your sins. Repent, and I will set you free.”? Whatever Newton heard, he claimed to have once been lost but now found, once blind but now able to see. Saved!

My experience playing “Amazing Grace,” reminds me that life isn’t easy. It is full of “sharps and flats,” difficulties and pain.  Yet throughout my journey with Him, sounds of God’s grace have been heard in the quiet words, “I’m here with you.” “Trust me” “Don’t worry about the future. I’m in control.”

 God’s gift of salvation and His many blessings evoke gratitude from my heart and an ever-deepening love.  Through it all, He has been and will be faithful. Thank God for His amazing grace!

*John 1:16-17 NIV







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