Treasure Hunts

   Our grandson, Nate, enjoys planning and creating games for parties. When it came time for the family celebration of his 9th birthday, he thought it would be fun to have a treasure hunt or in his words “scavenger hunt.” After lunch, he divided us into three groups: 1) “Grandparents” consisting of two sets of grandparents 2) “Adults” with Nate’s parents and older sister and 3) “Kids,” his two brothers plus another young lady.
   The grandparents’ clues were all on the main floor to avoid the stairs; the adults group had theirs hidden on the second story of the house; and the clues for the kids group were in the basement. Nate gave instructions and then handed one person in each group the first clue.
   There were about a dozen hidden clues for each team, arranged in order with the last one leading to the treasure on that particular floor. Nate spent days beforehand organizing the three hunts. Upon finding their treasures, the teams were to run to the family room where he would be waiting.
   While the other two teams were running above and below from clue to clue, the grandparents group was having trouble getting the first one opened. It had been rolled like a scroll and taped shut. Where were the scissors? They were hiding too!
   Nate circulated from one floor to the next to see how everyone was doing, having a great time watching his carefully designed plans unfold. The senior group made its way through the dining room, kitchen, mudroom, office, music room and still had a couple of clues left to find in the family room. One grandparent finally retired to the couch, watching the rest of the team with great amusement. When everyone began congregating in that room, the pressure was on the three remaining grandparents to finish up.
   “Go to a picture!” were the directions on the next scroll.  “A picture?” said one grandpa. “This room is filled with pictures! Which picture?” Laughter all around. The clue was behind a picture that was leaning up against the wall, obscured by a large recliner.
   “Look for some light.” Nate came to the rescue, pointing to the lampshade of a floor lamp when it became obvious that the grandparents were holding things up! The last clue directed them to a speaker. That one was easier to find; however it required some bending over, which generated a little complaining. You know, hips, knees, bad backs… More laughter echoed around the room.
   Behind the speaker, the seniors finally found their treasure—a Captain Noodles Romanoff card! “Who is Noodles Romanoff anyway?” they wondered. Sounded like a good dinner! However, the grandparents handed their treasure over to the coordinator of the game and received the third place award, behind the Kids and the Adults groups!
   Well, in spite of the complaining from one bunch in particular, everyone had a good time. But, the real treasure of Nate’s game was the fun, camaraderie and family time together.
   His scavenger/treasure hunt took me back to my childhood, when we raced from house to house collecting items on a list or from clue to clue trying to be the first ones to find a special treasure. The element of surprise and the spirit of competition always made things exciting.
   Jesus told the story of a man who came upon something of great value hidden in a field. He was so excited that he quickly hid it again and sold everything he had in order to buy the field. The kingdom of heaven is like that treasure, he told his listeners.
   Spiritual treasure-- reconciliation with God, love, forgiveness, peace, eternal life—all made possible by the One who gave up everything he had, including his life, for us. Are we willing to let go of control of our lives and accept Jesus by faith in order to be born spiritually and to become his children, citizens of his kingdom? He promises that if we seek him, we will find him. Ready to go treasure hunting?
   “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13 NIV
   “A certain ruler asked him, ‘Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?’”
(Jesus’ answer:) “...You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” Luke 18:18, 22b

Shanda's famous 1-2-3-4 cake! Yummy!


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